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PRS Blackboard

Barbell Coaching & Movement Optimization Module 3
(Formerly Technical Models)

Module 3, Lecture 6: Squat Part 1

Lecture 6 Outline
Click Here for the Lecture Outline
Reading Material
1. Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training: Squat Chapter
2. Stress for Vertebral Bodies and Intervertebral Discs with Respect to Squatting Depth
3. Analysis of the Load on the Knee Joint and Vertebral Column with Changes in Squatting Depth and Weight Load
4. Influence of Squatting Depth on Jumping Performance

Module 3, Lecture 7: Squat Part 2

Click the Image to Watch Lecture 7!

Lecture 7 Outline
Click Here for the Lecture Outline

Lecture 1 Thumbnail  (9).png

Module 3, Lecture 8: Deadlift Part 1

Lecture 8 Outline
Click Here for the Lecture Outline
Reading Material
1. Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training (3rd Edition) by Mark Rippetoe: Deadlift Chapter
2. The Deadlift: 3 Reasons by Mark Rippetoe
3. Why the Trap Bar is Completely Useless
Lecture 1 Thumbnail  (2).png

Module 3, Lecture 9: Deadlift Part 2

Lecture 9 Outline
Click Here for the Lecture Outline

*Content subject to change

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