PRS Clinical Coaching Barbell Institute

Barbell Coaching & Movement Optimization Module 3
(Formerly Technical Models)

Disclaimer: you are enrolled in Barbell Coaching & Movement Optimization, formerly called Technical Models. Some content may refer to this course as Technical Models, however it is now BCMO.

Module 3, Lecture 7: Squat Part 2

+ Lecture 7 Outline

Click Here for the Lecture Outline

+ Reading Material

No Additional Reading Material.

Module 3, Lecture 8: Deadlift Part 1

+ Lecture 8 Outline

Click Here for the Lecture Outline

+ Reading Material

  1. Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training (3rd Edition) by Mark Rippetoe: Deadlift Chapter
  2. The Deadlift: 3 Reasons by Mark Rippetoe
  3. Why the Trap Bar is Completely Useless
  4. Do You Understand the "Squeeze Up" Cue?

Module 3, Lecture 9: Deadlift Part 2

+ Lecture 9 Outline

Click Here for the Lecture Outline

+ Reading Material

No Additional Reading Material.

*Content subject to change

© Progressive Rehab & Strength, LLC 2020