PRS Clinical Barbell Coaching Institute

Barbell Coaching & Movement Optimization Module 4
(Formerly Technical Models)

Disclaimer: you are enrolled in Barbell Coaching & Movement Optimization, formerly called Technical Models. Some content may refer to this course as Technical Models, however it is now BCMO.

Module 4, Lecture 10: Bench Press Part 1

+ Lecture 10 Outline

Click Here for the Lecture Outline

+ Reading Material

Reading Material

  1. Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training (3rd Ed.): Bench Press Chapter
  2. 3 Reasons Your Bench Is Not Progressing & It’s Not Your Program; by Dr. Rori Alter, PT, SSC, PRSCC: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3
  3. Analysis of the Load on the Knee Joint and Vertebral Column with Changes in Squatting Depth and Weight Load
  4. An Investigation of the Mechanics and Sticking Region of a One-Repetition Maximum Close-Grip Bench Press versus the Traditional Bench Press
  5. Common Bench Press Errors and Fixes with Rori Alter, SSC

Module 4, Lecture 11: Bench Press Part 2

+ Lecture 11 Outline

Click Here for the Lecture Outline

+ Reading Material

No Additional Reading Material.

Module 4, Lecture 12: Overhead Press Part 1

+ Lecture 12 Outline

Click Here for the Lecture Outline

+ Reading Material

Reading Material

  1. Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training (3rd Edition) by Mark Rippetoe: Overhead Press Chapter
  2. Why Everyone Should Overhead Press; by Dr. Elizabeth Zeutschel, PT, SSC

Module 4, Lecture 13: Overhead Press Part 2

+ Lecture 13 Outline

Click Here for the Lecture Outline

+ Reading Material

No Additional Reading Material.

*Content subject to change

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