PRS Clinical Barbell Coaching Institute

Barbell Coaching & Movement Optimization Pre-Course Material
(Formerly Technical Models)

Disclaimer: you are enrolled in Barbell Coaching & Movement Optimization, formerly called Technical Models. Some content may refer to this course as Technical Models, however it is now BCMO.



Pre-Course Instructions


This information is beneficial but not required in order to be successful in the course.

Book Readings: Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training (3rd Edition) 
1. Chapter 1

2. Chapter 2: Loaded Human Movement (middle of p. 10 thru middle of p. 14); Leverage & Movement (p. 29 through top of p. 37, stop at Common Problems)

Other Readings

Why Barbells are Better than Machines, Mark Rippetoe

Muscle Physiology, Dr. Ebneshahidi

Muscle Physiology, UC San Diego

Muscle Physiology and Contraction, Carolyn A Greig & David A Jones

Neuromuscular Efficiency (NME) for the Strength-Lifter, C.J. Gotcher

OPTIONAL: Muscle Physiology Worksheet

*Content subject to change

© Progressive Rehab & Strength, LLC 2020