
Welcome to the Clinical Coach Mentorship Program

Providing an educational networking opportunity for clinicians who are interested in, or currently utilizing, the integration of barbell training principles into their rehabilitation practice.

Go here to access all of the courses you’re enrolled in, including Programming Fundamentals Of Barbell Training and more.


Read through evidence-based research on various topics that the PRS team has found interesting.

Browse our exercise library to find various routines, all categorized by body area.


Go here to access your unique links for all of our live monthly events. These will be updated monthly, so be sure to check back for each month’s current links.

Access all of our lecture archives where we discuss a wide range of topics from urinary incontinence to injury recovery.


Join us as we present some of our unique cases that we’ve covered here at PRS.

Find our collection of therapeutic routines to help keep your body relaxed and lower injury risk.


Find all of our literature reviews where we discuss various evidence-based articles covering an array of topics.


Access all of our templates you can use for your business and coaching needs.

Our recipe catalog includes lots of healthy and nourishing recipes for you to choose from.


Have a question or comment? We’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us here.

© Progressive Rehab & Strength, LLC 2020