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Business & Coaching Templates


Client Roster Template

We’re sharing this template with you because we know that as your coaching business grows both in person and remotely, you’ll start to feel overwhelmed.

“When did she last pay?”

“Is he due for a new block?”

“Crap, when is his meet?”

“How many weeks has she been working with me?”

“Where is her dang folder?”

Here’s a video tutorial on how to use the roster. We use it to stay organized and ahead and ensure we never forget a client’s payment, program, competition, or any other detail!

How to make a copy: This is a google doc that you will make a copy of. Click “file” → “make a copy” → rename it → save it to your google drive. You’ll want to save this template as a “master” to your google drive so that you can copy a blank template every time you need it.



Instagram Weekly Content Conceptualization & Creation Template

We’re sharing this template with you to help you stay consistent and focused with your content creation to help increase your social media presence and organic business growth. We know that social media can be overwhelming and take up a lot of time - especially if you’re creating and posting one post at a time. With this template we hope to help you “batch” your content creation into 1-3 hours per week.


How to make a copy: This is a google doc that you will make a copy of. Click “file” → “make a copy” → rename it → save it to your google drive. You’ll want to save this template as a “master” to your google drive so that you can copy a blank template every time you need it.

Here’s how we use it:

  1. Decide how many posts you want to make and can actually commit to on a weekly basis (they may not be the same!)

  2. Make a copy of your master template (see below for how to make your master template) and rename it “XX/XX/XX Weekly IG Posts”

  3. First fill out the template with your topics and when you want to post them

  4. Then decide how you want to format them (e.g. reel, swipe, photo, infographic, video, etc.)

  5. Decide what the intention of the post is. Do you want comments, do you want people to share it, do you want people to book a call or sign up for your freebie? We recommend spending 80% of your time in engagement land and 15% of your time in lead generation (book a call, freebie, facebook group, etc.) and 5% of your time selling. 

  6. Then write down what your call to action is.

  7. In the copy section begin to outline or brain dump your ideas for the posts which will lead into creating the copy. Remember IG posts are 2200 total characters so highlight your individual post copy and use the tool “word count” to look at your character count for each post. If you’re going over, then you can either make it a swipe post and include the meat and potatoes on the post slides OR you can create a script for a video to reduce the character count in the actual post caption.

  8. Once you have all your posts outlined you then know exactly what images and videos you have to take. Get cleaned up and get them all in one pop in your next training session!

  9. Once you have all your images and videos, use Canva to create the graphics. For reels and videos you will need a cover image. We recommend displaying your “headline” or a catchy phrase which entices them to want to watch/read more.

  10. Once the graphics are done, link them directly in the document to each post so you can easily grab them from your mobile device. 

  11. When you’re ready to post, come into the document on your phone, click the graphic link, download it, then copy the caption, and head to IG to post it!

Here’s an example of a completed Weekly IG doc.


Testimonial Request Guide

Social proof is an important part of helping your business grow. It helps potential clients see that other people have worked with you and achieved results, are happy with the services you provide, and lets them know you’ve worked with people like them. 

Video testimonials work better than written testimonials because of the “real human” in the video. However, requesting a testimonial is always an awkward thing and not everyone is willing to do a video. 

We’ve put together a testimonial request email and associated client guide to create the testimonial. We have always found people are more willing to provide testimonials in exchange for a gift. So we recommend coming up with a gift that fits within your budget. 

People are also more willing to provide a testimonial when they are not stressed out in their personal life, have just hit a big win with you as their coach, are not ending their coaching relationship with you, and have not experienced lack of service in the past few weeks. As such, we recommend only sending a request to a handful of select people at a time.

Ensure the client you will do all the work and their video and written testimonials do not need to be perfect. Before publicizing their testimonial it is always good practice to share the final product with them and make sure they don’t want to make any changes!



New Client Story Slide

We’re sharing this template with you to help you begin sharing your clients on social media as you welcome new clients to your clinical or coaching practice. However, we strongly encourage you to get written consent via email from your clients before you share any information with them.

Social proof, as we’ve discussed previously, is an important part of building your company. People like to see that you’ve 1) actually worked with real life people and have experience and that 2) you’ve worked with clients like them before.

Sharing on social media, especially stories, is a really good way to do that. You can also then save each welcome story slide to a profile highlight so it lives longer than the 24-hour life of a story. This is great because “social proof” posts aren’t always in alignment with the content that our followers enjoy seeing on our main profile feed so it’s a great way to get it out there for people who are interested in who you’ve worked with.

How to make a copy: This is a Canva Template that you will make a copy of

  • At the bottom left click the “pencil” 

  • Then click “use template”

  • This will create a copy of the template on your Canva account

  • Rename the file to whatever you want

  • I’d recommend saving it as a template in your “social media” Canva folder (you’ll have to make one) so you can duplicate the template every time you onboard a new client

How to Customize the Template:

  • Once you’ve made your copy you can now change the colors and font (and I recommend you do this consistent with your brand)

  • You can insert a headshot of your client right into the circle frame

  • I would recommend deleting the “@yourhandle” and the “@theirhandle” and doing those directly on social media so they are clickable and you can tag the client. They will not tag as text in an uploaded image

Once you’ve completed it you will download the images, upload them to your IG story, remember to tag your company and the client, and save the story to your Clients highlight!


© Progressive Rehab & Strength, LLC