All online services include:

An initial video call at the start of your program

Analysis of your personal goals, timeline and needs

Access to a private team facebook group for support by PRS teammates and coachesWe’ll meet you where you’re at and help you progressively build a sustainable approach to your fitness, strength, and/or nutrition goals

Weekly or monthly barbell coaching:

For athletes looking for a comprehensive, unique, and dynamic approach to strength training. 

  • Development of customized training

  • Regular check-in correspondence and video analysis by your coach

  • Program personalization and modification

  • Unlimited email support with you coach for questions / concerns (Weekly Coaching only)

Monthly -

$99 every 4-weeks* - sign up here

*3-month commitment. All payments are recurring until cancelled*

Weekly -

$279 first 4-weeks + $239 thereafter (that's $59/week!) - sign up here

$575 for 12-weeks (that's $48/week!) - sign up here

nutrition coaching:

  • A customized plan adjusted every week

  • Personalized daily nutritional recommendations based on your objectives

  • Weekly check-in correspondence and progress analysis by your coach

  • Weekly correspondence for accountability 

  • Monthly progress video coaching call

  • Unlimited email support with your coach for questions / concerns

$279 first 4-weeks + $239 thereafter (that's $59/week!) - sign up here

$575 for 12-weeks (that's $48/week!) - sign up here

Barbell & Nutrition Coaching:

$419 first 4-weeks + $379 thereafter (that's $94/week!) - sign up here

$995 for 12-weeks (that's $83/week!) - sign up here

pre/postnatal and pregnancy coaching:

  • Analysis of your personal goals, pregnancy history, and objectives while pregnant

  • Weekly check-in correspondence, video analysis, and troubleshooting by your coach

  • Program modification throughout your pregnancy

  • Unlimited email support with your coach for questions / concerns

$279 first 4-weeks + $239 thereafter (that's $59/week!) - sign up here

$575 for 12-weeks (that's $48/week!) - sign up here

rehab coaching:

  • Follow-up videos calls

  • Development of customized programming updated as needed in real time

  • Session-to-session check-in correspondence, video analysis, programming modification and delivery

  • Unlimited email and text support with your coach for questions and concerns

  • Collaboration with your medical and personal coaching team as necessary

initial rehab coaching month: $599

pelvic floor / incontinence rehab coaching:

  • Analysis of your personal situation, program, lifting technique, and contributing factors to the incontinence you’re experiencing

  • Recommend techniques, programming adjustments and equipment modifications based on the initial call

  • Guide and direct you to the appropriate medical professional if the symptoms you are experiencing are beyond the scope of powerlifting

$279 includes a 1-hour consultation call plus 4-weeks of follow-up as needed