

Our pre-recorded webinars are a great way for you to expand your knowledge on various topics at your own pace and convenience. Watch on your own time, pause and come back to it if you need to, revisit key points you want to hear again, or listen on-the-go as you commute to work or train at the gym for up to a year.

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Series Webinars: $118.50 for two (SAVE 25%!)

Management Of Incontinence In The Female Powerlifter

Powerlifting Urinary Incontinence is sport specific and often mistreated. Learn what it is, how to rule it in, why it happens and how to manage it in powerlifters and strength trainees. This will help barbell athletes, powerlifting coaches, and pelvic health physical therapists avoid unnecessary treatments and improve the long term outcomes of incontinence management in powerlifting.

Presenter: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC
Total Lecture Time: 1:17:43
Total Q&A Time: 19:26


All About Lifting Shoes: Why We Wear Them, Who Needs Them, And How To Choose The Right Shoes For Each Lifter

What weightlifting shoe is right for me? Do I really need to wear lifting shoes? These are common questions barbell strength and powerlifting trainees have and that coaches and rehab clinicians often need to answer. Discover the purpose of weight lifting shoes, who needs them, different types of lifting shoes, recommendations for each lifter, and answers to the most common questions about lifting shoes.

Presenter: Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC
Total Time: 1:05:52


An In-Depth Discussion On The Starr Rehab Protocol

Muscle strains, tears, and tendon ruptures are common in strength training and may be a scary experience with an unknown timeline to return-to-training. Do you need surgery and what will the rehab process for a tendon or muscle tear to get back to full-strength barbell training? Learn about the types of muscle injuries, muscle strain/tears, how the Starr Rehab Protocol can be used for the speediest and most effective non-surgical return-to-barbell training as possible.

Presenter: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC
Total Lecture Time: 37:03
Total Q&A Time: 13:04


Discussing Nutritional Needs During Musculoskeletal Injury Healing For Strength Athletes

Nutrition when you are injured is just as important for recovery as it is when you’re healthy and training. Join Renaissance Periodization Coach, Registered Dietitian, and professor, Dr. Christy Alexon, RD, as she discusses how to properly fuel your body after an injury or surgery and learn all about super premium diets, intestinal microflora, probiotics vs. prebiotics, micronutrients, macronutrients, and more.

Presenter: Dr. Christy Alexon, PhD, RD
Total Lecture Time: 54:12
Total Q&A Time: 22:07


Equipped Lifting: What You're Missing For Injury Management And Long Term Progress

Raw powerlifting is not the only type of powerlifting. A sub category of powerlifting is Equipped Lifting and it would benefit coaches and rehab clinicians to have an understanding of the biomechanics and programming difference of raw versus equipped lifting. Powerlifting Coach, John Flagg, helps you better understand the use of single ply equipment in the sport of powerlifting, how they can be used clinically for injury management and performance, along with the impacts of this type of training.   

Presenter: John Flagg, Clinical Athlete Head Powerlifting Instructor
Total Lecture Time: 51:09
Total Q&A Time: 40:46


The Surgical Treatment Of Cervical Radiculopathy

Neck pain, cervical radiculopathy, and nect surgery are common in the general population so it’s expected we’ll see this affect barbell training as well. In this lecture we dive into the elements of cervical radiculopathy, clinical assessment, anterior and posterior surgical approaches for relenting cervical radiculopathy, and the three phases of rehabilitation and returning to barbell training or competitive powerlifting both post-op and early on in the rehabilitation process.

Presenter: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC
Total Time: 45:42


Female Athlete Triad

Female athletes are susceptible to conditions that their male counterparts are not, specifically, Female Athlete Triad Syndrome. However, more recently, the name REDS Syndrome has been discussed to cover similar symptoms in both male and female athletes. Her we discuss what Female Athlete Triad is, common myths related to Female Athlete Triad, distinguish the similarities and differences between Female Athlete Triad and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, discuss short term and long term effects of energy deficiency in female athletes, and more.

Presenter: Dr. Breanne Maruca, DPT, WCS, PRS-CC
Total Lecture Time: 59:45
Total Q&A Time: 51:13


ACL Reconstructions And Physical Therapy

ACL tears are one of the most common knee injuries in contact and extreme sports. While it is not a common injury that happens in powerlifting, many powerlifters have experienced ACL injuries in previous athletic endeavors or in recreational activities outside powerlifting. In this lecture, Dr. Stacie Morris, PT, CSCS of the PhsyioFix, teaches all about the anatomy, levels of severity, potential causes, symptoms, treatment options, post surgical timeline, rehab phases, and sport-specific exercises in ACL rehabilitation.

Presenter: Dr. Stacie Morris, PT, DPT, CSCS, USAW-L1SP
Total Lecture Time: 44:16
Total Q&A Time: 43:00

Efficacy Of Passive Techniques In Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Passive techniques such as dry needling, IASTM, massage, and e-stim, have their place and time in injury management. However, they are often misused, over used, and over relied on by barbell athletes, coaches, and rehab clinicians. In this lecture we discuss their efficacy, time and place, and a more optimal approach to pain and injury management in barbell training & powerlifting.

Presenter: Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, CSCS, PRSCC
Total Time: 53:22


Diastasis Recti (DR) And The Implications Of Training With DR During Pregnancy And The Postpartum Period

Diastasis recti is a normal occurrence during and after pregnancy. However, if we do not properly address it during the postpartum recovery period it can lead to issues in barbell training such as back and/or hip pain, poor progress, urinary incontinence, prolapse, and other symptoms outside training. Discover what diastasis recti is along with its causes, how it can be managed during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and how this integrates into barbell training and powerlifting.

Presenter: Dr. Breanne Maruca, DPT, WCS, PRS-CC
Total Lecture Time: 1:30:18
Total Q&A Time: 11:22


From Pec Repair To Benching: Safely And Efficiently Returning To Heavy Barbell Training

Pec tears are one of the most common injuries associated with the barbell bench press. Should you stop or continue training the bench press with a pec tear? Discover all about pectoralis major ruptures, how they occur, typical post-surgical protocol, how to safely return to benching, and more utilizing the Starr Rehab Protocol and the PRS Method for powerlifting rehabilitation.

Presenter: Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC
Total Lecture Time: 23:06
Total Q&A Time: 30:39


Optimizing Powerlifting Meets: How To Successfully Plan For And Navigate The Competition As A Coach

If you or your barbell strength training clients are interested in powerlifting competitions, poor knowledge of meet day coaching, handling, and the rules can ruin a great training cycle. This lecture is a deep dive into who should compete and when they should compete, rules of the powerlifting federation, training and planning for the competition, what to expect on meet day, and more in order to optimize the outcome of meet day performance.

Presenter: Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC
Total Time: 1:00:28


Osteoporosis And Resistance Training

People with osteopenia and osteoporosis often feel fragile and are afraid of barbell training. However, progressive overload with the barbells is the most effective way to load the skeletal system and impact bone density. Learn all about osteoporosis, including osteoporosis related to pregnancy and breast feeding, types of bone, bone mineral density testing, risk factors, treatment, the effects of osteoporosis, resistance training, barbell training, and more.

Presenter: Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC
Total Lecture Time: 23:22
Total Q&A Time: 44:51


Weightlifting Belts: Who, What, When, Where, Why, And How!

The weightlifting belt is the number one piece of equipment that all strength athletes should use. It’s use enhances performance via supporting the Valsalva Maneuver. However, many people struggle with how to use a lifting belt properly and which type of lifting belt is right for them. In this lecture you’ll learn the components of a lifting belt is and why you should and who should wear one, what lifts benefit from lifting belts, when to start using a belt, how to choose and use your lifting belt, as well as bust bust some lifting belt myths.

Presenters: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC and Dr. John Petrizzo, PT, CSCS, SSC
Total Lecture Time: 40:01
Total Q&A Time: 14:26


Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome Part 1: Understanding FAI And Its Presentation In Barbell Strength Trainees

Femoroacetabular impingement is a common hip diagnosis in many sports and is often the underlying cause of ongoing hip pain. In this lecture series we dive into understanding what FAI is and how it presents in powerlifting athletes. We discuss the prevalence of hip pain in powerlifters, the importance of understanding FAI, the types of FAI and their origins, the diagnostic process and treatment options for FAI, the prognosis for continued training competitive progression in powerlifting, and why powerlifting doesn’t cause FAI. 

Presenter: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC
Total Time: 42:52


Principles Of Injury Management In Barbell Training: Part 1

In Part 1 of our series on injury management in barbell training PRS Clinical Coaches Drs. Rori Alter, PT and John Petrizzo, PT, CSC discuss various types of injuries, the difference between acute chronic , healing response types and time lines, and outline the PRS approach to injury risk reduction and injury rehabilitation in barbell training and powerlifting.

Presenters: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC and Dr. John Petrizzo, PT, CSCS, SSC
Total Lecture Time: 42:02
Total Q&A Time: 19:00

Scoliosis And Leg Length Discrepancies In Barbell Training

Powerlifting athletes and barbell trainees ofter wonder if it’s ok to barbell train or compete in powerlifting with scoliosis or leg length discrepancies. Learn all about scoliosis, leg length discrepancy, the prevalence of each in the asymptomatic population, and when and if you should do anything special or different with your training shoes or technique in response to scoliosis or one leg longer than the other.

Presenters: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC and Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC
Total Time: 1:17:17


Olympic Weightlifting Simplified

Powerlifting coaches, barbell strength coaches, and rehab clinicians should understand the Olympic lifts especially if they work with high school or collegiate athletes or Crossfitters. Learn all about what olympic weightlifting is and how to coach and program the movements in a more effective manner than USAW promotes.

Presenter: Joshua Wells, SSC
Total Lecture Time: 1:03:21
Total Q&A Time: 54:28


A Practical Approach To Pain Education

Pain is a complicated topic and pain is experienced differently by all individuals. Therefore, rehab clinicians and powerlifting coaches often have a challenging time discussing pain and injury while continuing to barbell train and powerlift during the injury recovery process. Understand the purpose of pain education, cognitive behavioral therapy, negative assumptions and core beliefs about pain, and how to approach it with your athletes.

Presenter: Dr. Nicholas D'Agostino, PT, SSC, CSCS
Total Lecture Time: 47:36
Total Q&A Time: 18:03


Evidence-Based Practice For Coaches And Clinicians

It’s important for coaches and rehab clinicians to practice evidence based rehab and coaching. However, the world of exercise science and physical rehabilitation research is a difficult one with many flaws. In this lecture, Dr. John Petrizzo, PT discusses the challenges of research and how we should apply it in coaching and rehabilitation. Discover what evidence-based practice is, what type of research you should look for, the difference between various types of studies, how to read a paper from the exercise science literature, and more.

Presenter: Dr. John Petrizzo, PT, CSCS, PRSCC, SSC
Total Lecture Time: 1:04:45
Total Q&A Time: 15:19


Flaws In The Collegiate Strength And Conditioning World

Have you ever considered working in collegiate strength and conditioning? Have you ever worked with a collegiate athlete on strength and conditioning during their winter or summer break and been baffled by their barbell training technique and strength program? In this lecture, Dr. John Petrizzo, PT, CSCS, PRSCC, SSC discusses frequently asked questions regarding flaws in the collegiate strength and conditioning arena as it relates to programming, periodization, sports specific training, technique and more.

Presenters: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC and Dr. John Petrizzo, PT, CSCS, SSC
Total Lecture Time: 55:04
Total Q&A Time: 32:42


The Sumo Deadlift: Your Top Questions Answered

There is a lot of controversy over the use of the sumo deadlift. In some cases it’s beneficial to utilize the sumo deadlift and in other cases it’s more beneficial to utilize the conventional deadlift. In this lecture we discuss what the sumo deadlift is, how it is different from the conventional deadlift, how to determine if you can lift more weight with the sumo deadlift, how to figure out if the sumo deadlift makes you stronger than the conventional deadlift, and how to decide who should do the sumo deadlift.

Presenter: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC
Total Time: 30:13


Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome Part 2: Understanding FAI And Its Presentation In Barbell Strength Trainees

In part 2 of our lecture series on femoroacetabular impingement we discuss the elements of conservative management of FAI from a coach and clinical rehab perspective, the roles of examination and assessment of FAI, the six elements of conservative management for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome in powerlifting and barbell strength athletes, and establish when it’s time to refer out for further assessment and treatment as a coach or clinician.

Presenter: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC
Total Time: 34:00


Principles Of Injury Management In Barbell Training: Part 2

Part 2 of our series on injury management in barbell training reviews the research surrounding training load and response, discusses the PRS Risk Reduction Approach, the traditional RICE vs. newer PEACE & LOVE approaches, identifies management of various types of injuries, and discusses pain management and the PRS Algorithm.

Presenters: Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC and Dr. John Petrizzo, PT, CSCS, SSC
Total Time: 1:05:31

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