10 Minute Tip #3: How to Fix Wrist Pain with Low Bar Squats (and high bar too!)
Wrist pain while squatting is not uncommon but it’s not something you need to experience forever. There are many reasons your wrists hurt while squatting but it’s really an easy fix!
If you have wrist pain with the low bar squat it could be due to:
Bar Placement
Bar Rolling
Grip Width
Elbow Position
Excessive Wrist Extension
Grip Type
In this episode of the Progressive Rehab & Strength Podcast we address all the reasons your wrists hurt while you squat and give you ways to reduce your wrist pain based on the reason it’s happening.
You don’t have to deal with wrist pain forever, you don’t have to stop squatting, use the safety bar, or rely on wrist wraps. You can low bar squat without wrist pain and we’ll help you get pain free wrists in the low bar squat in this episode.
Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC: [00:00:10] in this episode, we're going to be talking about fixing wrist pain in the low bar back squat in 10 minutes because many people get wrist pain in the squat, specifically in the low bar back squat. So we're going to talk about why it happens, how to fix it, and then you can do it with yourself, your athletes, or your rehab clients. Okay, here we go. We're starting 10 minutes now! Alyssa, why does wrist pain happen specifically in the squat and low bar back squat?
Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC, CSCS: [00:01:40] So anything that will cause the wrist joint to bear the bar load during the squat has the potential to cause pain.
Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC: [00:01:48] Not saying it's the cause of pain.
Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC, CSCS: [00:01:51] Your wrist doesn't need to bear the weight of the bar during the squat. That's not at the end of the day. That is not a joint that is involved with performing the lift. It is involved in supporting the bar on your back in a neutral position.
Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC: [00:02:06] And we caveat all of these Tip Tuesdays, with neutral for you and what works for you and what's right for you. We're not an end-all, be-all. We're not dogmatic. We know that people, not everybody, and not everyone can achieve a straight, neutral, by-the-book wrist. But your neutral, or what's most comfortable for you, so hyperextended, super extended, tends to bear more load from the bar into the wrist in the low bar squat. So anyway.
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