10 Minute Tip #4: Exactly How to Low Bar Squat (and how to coach it too!)



Ten Minute Tip #4: Exactly How to Low Bar Squat (and how to coach it too!) 

Having a framework for teaching and a baseline movement model for the low bar squat can help you easily lift more weight and reduce the risk for wrist pain, elbow shoulder pain, knee, hip and lower back pain with the low bar squat. It will also help you develop the technical intricacies of the squat that are unique to each individual.

In this episode of the Progressive Rehab & Strength Podcast we’ll walk you through our exact framework and movement model for the low bar back squat and how to optimize for the individual.

We cover low bar squat:

  1. Stance

  2. Bottom Position

  3. Rack height

  4. Getting under the bar

  5. Grip

  6. Low Bar Squat Execution

  7. Adaptation for other bar positions

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC: [00:00:20] Welcome back to the Progressive Rehab & Strength Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Rori Alter, here with my lovely co-host, as usual, Dr. Alyssa Haveson. And this is a Ten-Minute Tip Tuesday podcast. I think this is Ten-Minute Tip number 4. Today, we're going to talk all about the barbell back squat. So we're going to talk about first the low bar and then some little tiny modifications for how you turn that into a high bar because it's really the same. It's a little bit different with where you place the bar, where your eyes are looking, and what your torso is doing. So before we start the Ten-Minute Tip on how to coach or do the barbell back squat, I just want to start with all things "how to coach a lift" or "how to do a lift" is just a baseline. So we're giving you a starting point, an easy, systematic way to approach either learning the squat or teaching the squat or learning a lift and teaching a teaching lift to streamline it for you. So make it easy, make it simple. And then, from there, you can tweak it for the individual based on their needs, range of motion, strengths, weaknesses, wants, and all those things.

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC: [00:01:38] The principles are the same. You just need a starting point to make it simple, and the starting point or the model really works for everyone, and then it's just small tweaks from there. So in this one, we'll teach you first how to low bar back squat and then how to tweak that slightly for the high bar back squat. We do these ten-minute tips in 10 minutes. We start a timer, and when the timer goes off, we are done. So hopefully, we can get through the squat in 10 minutes. This is a little bit of a challenging one. And just in terms of how much goes into it, it's not a challenging lift. I mean, all the lifts are challenging when they get challenging, but there are just a lot more components to the squat than any of the other lifts we teach. So pray for us for 10 minutes here, and I'm going to get the timer started, and then we'll start talking about it. All right. On your marks. Get set. So before we put the bar on someone's back, it's best to learn the stance and the bottom position before there's a bar in the back. It makes it easier once you get under the bar to move with the bar on their back.

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Web: https://www.progressiverehabandstrength.com

Email: podcast@progressiverehabandstrength.com

Rori IG: @rorimegan_prs

Alyssa IG: @alyssahope_prs