Episode #21: Mindset & Habits To Build A Healthy Relationship With Food For Strength, Performance, Physique & Life With Alessandra & Josh Scutnik of SD Evolution

Mindset & Habits To Build A Healthy Relationship With Food For Strength, Performance, Physique & Life With Alessandra & Josh Scutnik of SD Evolution 

Deciphering accurate health and fitness information can be challenging in a world of information overload! Especially when trying to fit it into your already busy life. 

In today’s episode, Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC, and Dr. Alyssa Haveson, PT, PRSCC, sit down with special guests: Alessandra and Josh Scutnik, the creators of SD Evolution and FIT Coach Pro. They cover essential and practical tools that you must hear to achieve your desired, healthy lifestyle: 

🌱The core of healthy nutrition habits to ensure you achieve your goals

🌱Common roadblocks or “excuses” that people face or that hold them back

🌱How to deal with things out of your control and interfere with progress

🌱Mindset regarding behavior change and what you might be overcomplicating

🌱And the five pillars of SD Evolution

This episode will help you simplify all the complex nutrition and lifestyle advice, how to begin with just one foot in front of the other, and the ultimate power of consistency over time. After listening to this conversation, you will realize that it all starts with finding ONE small thing you can do today that will set you up for success for the rest of your life. 

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC : [00:00:37] So you guys own two companies, SD Evolution and Fit Coach Pro, which is frickin awesome. We're doing something similar for our own business. Not that we're interested in creating a platform or anything, but we drive our business through Google Suite. And this is similar to what you went through with your business. You could not find a platform that delivered or created the coaching interaction you wanted with your clients because you have, and we'll talk about the five pillars of SD evolution. But I assume that what you do with the platform that you created is you can manage, assess, address and communicate with your clients through those five pillars. And we didn't like anything like MyStrengthBook, or what's the other one?

Alessandra Scutnik: [00:01:46] Trainerize? TruCoach?

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC : [00:01:48] Yeah, like, there are very specific things that we look at and assess and monitor with our clients and the sustainable training model or method that we have at PRS. So we created it all through Google sheets, which is we have an extremely robust platform through Google Suite and Google sheets. So Alessandra and Josh own Fit Coach Pro, a platform coaches can set up for you. They can brand it for their own companies, right? Yeah, I think that's pretty cool. This isn't the conversation that we're here to have today. I was just giving Alyssa the introduction, which I think is cool. So we can talk about that at some other point, but why are we here? So like I said before we turn on the recording, I've been following Alessandra and Josh for years, and one of the things that strike me the most when I follow you versus like anyone else, is the habit and behavior-based approach that you take to working with your clients. So we wanted to bring you on today to discuss some of the mindset and habit elements that go into developing a healthy relationship with food, training, and physique or body composition. So why don't you tell us a little bit about your background? What is SD evolution? You are husband and wife, and you have a kid! He's three years old, little Kai. You could go check, check him out. He's the cutest little thing to watch and grow and evolve, and evolution is part of the evolution. But you share so much about him with the world, which is great because just bringing fitness and healthy eating into his life is pretty awesome. So tell us a little bit about SD evolution and what it is, and those five pillars.

Josh Scutnik: [00:03:46] It was kind of an accident that I started. We met in San Diego, went to the same college, had a similar group of friends in that college, and never actually met in person until we moved to San Diego. So we were both at 24-hour fitness after her internship started doing boot camps on the side. And as we moved back to Connecticut, we kept a couple of clients online, and we called SD Evolution. Everyone thought it was San Diego's Evolution. It was Scott McDaniel. So our last names, but it was in San Diego. So we just kept the SD.

Alessandra Scutnik: [00:04:18] It just kind of flowed.

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC : [00:04:19] That's so funny. I always thought it was San Diego.

Josh Scutnik: [00:04:23] Yeah, everyone does.

Alessandra Scutnik: [00:04:23] Everyone.

Josh Scutnik: [00:04:25] Yeah, yeah, exactly. Everyone knew we were out there. But this was a handful of clients from out there that we kept online as we transitioned back into life in Connecticut. And it just kind of grew from there by accident.

Alessandra Scutnik: [00:04:36] Yeah, I mean, they were like, Listen, we still want you to be our trainers, so can you send us training programs through email? And we're like, Yeah, that's that'll be fine. So we did that, and we were like, this could be something. And initially, our goal with SD Evolution was to open up a gym and a facility back here. But, you know, coming out of college too broke, post-college kids. So it was just, I mean, when you moved back to Connecticut, it was not realistic yet. So we both got separate jobs for a little bit, too. And SD evolution was a side hustle for the first three years. And then we were finally able to go full-time from there. And we've been full-time ever since. But it just it's interesting how it started as like outdoor boot camps, and we wanted to open up a facility and then we just kind of took off with the online space because, you know, we knew we eventually wanted to have a family. And we also knew the hours of a typical personal trainer were like super early mornings and evenings. So you'll miss many things you need to be there for, for your family and kids. So we were like, "this could be it." This could be what we're looking for and what we feel like we were missing.

Josh Scutnik: [00:05:54] So personal trainers, working 8 hours a day is like 13 or 14 hours because you have that gap in the middle where you're probably not training anybody.

Dr. Rori Alter, PT, PRSCC, SSC : [00:06:02] Yeah, and they're long days. Exactly. Because you start in the morning, you know they're at work, your clients are at work, and then you pick back up. So I used to. I mean, my journey and Alyssa's journey are pretty similar. We started as personal trainers and got into this space. But I remember I used to say that I work like two days in one day because it's like you have your morning shift and then your evening shift, which was exhausting. But yeah, this is not a business podcast, but we could probably go into the whole business side of it, you know, all that stuff. But can you talk briefly about what SD evolution stands for in the name?

Josh Scutnik: [00:06:47] Yeah, it's the process of evolving, and that's going to look a little different for all of us. But we talk about 1000 different ways to achieve the same result. Prospective clients with our current clients, our job is to help you evolve your way. And that will look entirely different for every single client we have. But that is the nuts and bolts of the concept of evolution. We'll help you elevate your mindset, physique, and overall health and make this a sustainable journey that you will enjoy. So nothing we implement will be something that detracts from your current lifestyle, but everything we do should make everything else better. And that's the point.

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Rori IG: @rorimegan_prs

Alyssa IG: @alyssahope_prs