Learn how to find the most optimal barbell technique for your body, optimal performance, injury risk reduction, and athlete recovery in powerlifting.
Athlete Recovery | Barbell Physical Therapy for Injured Powerlifters
Barbell Physical Therapy: 3 Ways to Incorporate Barbell Training into Sports Rehab & Physical Therapy for Athlete Recovery
3 Reasons To Be A Barbell Coach & Physical Therapist (And How To Do It!)
How To Become The Best Outpatient Sports Physical Therapist
Shoulder Impingement & Resistance Training: What Powerlifters, Weightlifters and Barbell Strength Athletes Need to Know to Understand Shoulder Injuries
If you’ve ever felt a sharp pain at the tip of your shoulder when lifting overhead or during a specific portion of the bench press and it’s held you back from expressing your strength, you've probably been diagnosed with shoulder impingement: a vague diagnosis that leaves you with the general advice of "Does that hurt? Don't do that". In the world of lifting, let me tell you: THERE IS A BETTER WAY.
3 Analogies to Help You Barbell Train Even When You're In Pain
You’re training hard, chasing PRs, and working your butt off to make a difference for yourself in and out of the gym. However, when things don’t go your way, you may end up in pain. Whether it’s a pain you’ve been dealing with forever or simply a new pain to add to the list, it sucks. Rest assured, it happens to the best of us.
3 Reasons You Pee When You Powerlift & How To Fix It (Part 2): Mechanical Contributions
In Part 2 of our article series on urinary incontinence in Powerlifting, we want to rule out the most easily modifiable factors, including belts, incorrect breathing, technical breakdown, and bloating. These fall under the realm of mechanical stress acting directly on the bladder that can cause leaking.
The Safety of Barbell Resistance Training for Adult Powerlifters with Scoliosis
Barbell resistance training is the most effective type of exercise training to accomplish nearly all goals. From achieving a muscular and lean physique to maintaining health and function as you age, and rehabilitating from surgery and returning to your sport of choice. But often, doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors shy away from “lifting weights” because they lack an understanding of safe and effective programming and technique implementation across the life and healthspan.
3 Reasons You Pee When You Powerlift & How To Fix It (Part 1)
Where peeing in your pants was once thought to only affect women who’ve had babies or entered the years of menopause, peeing in your pants has become as common as a barbell athlete losing a deadlift due to grip failure. Over the last 8 years, the growth of powerlifting has been tremendous and participation at USA Powerlifting (USAPL) Raw Nationals has increased 6.8x from 183 in 2012 to 1,260 lifters in 2019.
Evolution In Physical Therapy: Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks
At Progressive Rehab & Strength we not only aim to help athletes recover from injury and return to training and competing using the most up-to-date evidence-based strategies for long-term injury risk reduction, but we also aim to help clinical rehab students and professionals integrate this into their practice.
Is Graston, IASTM, Massage, Stim & Dry Needling Going to Help Your Powerlifting Injuries?
If you’ve had chronic low back pain with multiple acute episodes of increased pain that makes it nearly impossible for you to continue training and you tell your new physical therapist that the last PT you went to did electrical stimulation (e-stim), heat, dry needling and gave you a home exercise program with some boring breathing techniques and a balloon to help you rehab, we’re here to help you and tell you why these treatments are NOT long-term solutions and how you can creative longevity from your pain and injuries with barbell training!
Powerlifting Injury Prevention: 7 Keys To Reduce Barbell Lifting Injuries & Increase Longevity In Powerlifting
56 Alternatives To Barbell Train Around Mobility or Injury Limitations
Overcoming A Hip Fracture and Squat Fails
Why Everyone Should Press Overhead
What are the first exercises you think of when someone says they’re doing “upper body?” Bench press? Biceps and triceps? Dumbbell lateral raises? The obsession with growing arms, shoulders, and chest means cable columns, dumbbells, and benches are abundant in any gym with a weight room. So why do so many strength programs underemphasize, underrate, or completely omit the most important exercise for developing upper body strength and maintaining shoulder health?
Treat The Issues, Not The Tissues
The endless wealth of information on the internet definitely has its benefits. Accessibility to information has allowed businesses to expand, entrepreneurs to set out on successful journeys, and people to expand their knowledge at quick and affordable rates. BUT! Like the hazards of Web-MD and self-diagnostics, people often times misinterpret and incorrectly apply information to their individual circumstances.
A Case For Individuality
In this articleDr. Rori illustrates the intricacies that go into appropriately diagnosing and treating common aches and pains. She helps the reader understand why there are no "simple fixes" that can generally be applied based on a symptom descriptor and the importance of identifying what's causing issues in conjunction with follow up care.